Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap year week

Another bad start of the week. I wonder if I'm really going into depression mood. Just read that when one loses interests in everything, that's depression. And here I am, no interest in my work, no interest in meeting people, constantly giving evasive responses or remarks, staring into space at times, sounds like I'm en route down that path after all.

Maybe I should move out, I seem to remember happier and much more relaxed times back then. Now, it just feels like I'm going out for the sake of being away from a place called home, which isn't, really.

Cross my fingers, pray to God that I can do that sooner, before I loses my sanity to family pressure...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be strong darling~ there's so much more in ur life than the unhappiness at home! -destinee-